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Nicholasville | Nursing & Rehabilitation

Success Story: Kathy Durham

May 25, 2022

Nicholasville Nursing and Rehabilitation is proud to share resident Kathy Durham’s Success Story!

Kathy has been a resident of this center since February of 2019 and was previously using a manual w/c for all mobility.  She was unable to propel the w/c due to L UE hemiplegia from a previous CVA, requiring assistance from our Care Team to move about the building.  A power w/c was donated to the community, and Kathy was the prime candidate to receive the power w/c, as it would increase her overall I, and reduce her need to rely on our Care Team to move as she desired. She was educated on how to use the power w/c and is now able to independently mobilize throughout the community, increasing her overall quality of life. Congratulations to Kathy and her Care Team on their success! Keep up the great work!