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Nicholasville | Nursing & Rehabilitation

Success Story: Kathy Darby

April 3, 2023

Nicholasville Nursing and Rehabilitation is excited to share resident Kathy Darby’s Success Story!

Ms. Kathy Darby is a long-term care resident who came to Nicholasville Nursing and Rehabilitation in December of 2020 due to no longer being able to live alone in the community. She can no longer walk and uses a power wheelchair for all mobility. She recently experienced a decline in her strength and trunk control. Our Physical Therapy team evaluated her to address her deficits and regain her independence sitting upright in her wheelchair for meals and activities. She loves to play basketball on the Restore program and often requests to play, as she feels that it is helping her regain her overall sitting balance. She is progressing toward her goals of increasing her overall balance for sitting on the edge of the bed, completing more daily tasks independently, and sitting upright in her wheelchair for meals and activities.
Way to go, Kathy! Keep up the excellent work.